Quality Custom Written Papers in 4 Stages
Stage 1 : Order Form
Finally, you have decided to order customized papers with us! You clicked on the magic order button and now you are nearly lost in the middle of nowhere!
Everything is pretty easy. You will see a long order form on your screen. Read it carefully and fill it out as if it was your diary! Meaning, include every single necessary detail your expert might need to complete custom written papers you expect.
Imagine it were you who had to complete the assignment. So, be kind – provide all the info available. We will combine it with ours and deliver a perfect custom written paper!
Stage 2 : Personal Account
When the first stage is over, you get a personal account with our custom writing company! Login and see all the details you have specified. Also, learn about the convenient multiple options this account gives you.
Using your e-mail and password, you will be able to login to your account anytime and contact an expert via our messaging system. Thus, if you have any questions or need to add some requirements for your customized paper, talk to your expert directly.
The account you have with ResearchPaperz.net is a good money-saver. Every next order you make from it takes off 3% from the entire price for a custom written paper (saving discount for returned customers).
Please, do not hesitate to upload or download any files from your account as well.
Monitor the writing process – be aware!
Stage 3 : Statuses
Your order goes through several stages before it is completed and sent to you. After you place an order, you will be asked to submit payment for your custom paper, for your future expert to see this order and take it up. When this is complete your custom paper’s status will change to “paid”.
Do not be too surprised to see the status changing to “in progress” almost at once: it means you already have an expert working on your customized paper.
The most pleasant stage is “completed” . The name speaks for itself.
Sometimes, you might want your custom written paper to be revised, and then you will have to set your order on “revision” and wait until it is done.
Stage 4 : Downloads
If you see that the status of your order has changed to “completed” – hurray! You are welcome to download your custom written paper from your personal account or from your e-mail box.
Do not hesitate to remind our customer support you have not gotten a FREE plagiarism report promised if we somehow missed that.
Become our customer and enjoy the writing process!